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Blood on the River Comp Questions

Please answer these on your OneDrive and share them with me!

Chapter 13  

  1. “Captain Smith says we have gone from the frying pan into the fire.”  What does this mean? 
  2. Why does Sam decide to show Richard his sword? 
  3. How do the colonists know that the Indians are coming peace?
  4. What information do the visitors share with the colonists? 
  5. What do the Indians want to trade?  What is actually traded

Chapter 14  

  1. Give three reasons why the colonists are healthy again. 
  2. Why is the passage to the Orient so important? 
  3. What happens once Captain Smith leaves? 
  4. To Sam, what would be the worst part about losing Captain Smith? 
  5. Where do you think the gentlemen are? 
Chapter 15
1. What do the gentlemen intend to do on the ship?
2. Who finally returns to James Town?
3. Describe Captain Smith’s ordeal at Werowocomoco.
4. What happens to Captain Smith as soon as he finishes his story?
5. At the end of the chapter, Samuel can no longer contain his anger. Do you think he was right or wrong to throw the rock at Master Archer?
Chapter 16
1. Does Sam get into trouble for attempting to attack Master Archer? Why or why not?
2. Reverend Hunt warns Sam to pray for humility because he will need it if he is to become the servant of one of the gentlemen. Why might Sam need to serve one of the gentlemen?
3. The soldiers are upset over the gentlemen’s arrest of Captain Smith. What do they plan to do?
4. What miracle does Reverend Hunt receive at the end of the chapter?
Chapter 17  
1. What changes does Captain Newport bring to the colony?
2. Who comes to visit James Town?  Describe her. 
3.  Pocahontas is an Indian princess.  How is she different than the princesses in London? 
4. What is lost in the fire?  
Chapter 18  
1. Explain Sam’s circle. 
2. Describe the colonists’ relationship with the Powhatans.   
3.  What are some of the new things that Samuel is experiencing as a result of having Namontack coming to live with the colonists?   
4. Explain what actually happened to Captain Smith when he was with the Powhatans.   
5. The colonists decide to make John Smith the new president.  What qualifications for the job did Captain Smith have?
Chapter 19  
1. When Captain John Smith takes the oath of office to become the new president, what does he decree? 
2. Describe Sam’s feelings of his new position as the page of a ruler.   
3.  How is the colony planning to try to make a profit now for the Virginia Company?    
4. What are Captain Newport’s orders with regards to Chief Powhatan? 
5. What does Namontack think of King James?
Chapter 20  
1. Compare and contrast the housing at the fort and at Werowocomoco.
2. Sam wishes that he could live at Werowocomoco.  How would he benefit from living there?  
3. How have Sam’s feelings towards the natives changed since he first landed in James Town? 
4. At the end of the chapter, Samuel wonders “how long the peace, and the love, will last.”  Predict what you think will happen. 
Chapter 21 
1. Describe Wahunsonacock, the Great Powhatan.  
2. Captain Smith delivers King James’ message to the great chief.  How does Wahunsonacock respond?  
3.  What happened at the coronation?   
4. Samuel says to Reverend Hunt, “Thank you for treating me like I was something.”  What does Samuel mean by this?  
Chapter 22  
1. When Captain Smith goes to trade with the natives, why does he return home empty-handed?  
2. Two natives come to the fort with news that Chief Powhatan is ready to trade.  What is the real reason that Chief Powhatan has sent for Captain Smith?  
3.  In the Warraskoyack village, what is men’s work and what is women’s work?   
4. What does Sam learn while at the Warraskoyack village?  
5. How has Samuel changed by the time Richard, Nathaniel, Henry, Abram and the others come to the Warraskoyack village? 
Chapter 23.
1.The Virginia Company lies about what life at James Town is actually like.  Draw a picture of how the Virginia Company describes it and a picture of what James Town is actually like. If you don't want to draw it, you can describe it. 

Virginia Company’s Description 

Actual James Town 












2. How has James Town changed with the arrival of new ships?  
3.  How are the new settlers treating the natives?  Why are they acting this way?  
4. At the end of the chapter, Sam is relieved that Captain Smith is accompanied by a few men that he trusts, however he feels uneasy. Predict what will happen to Captain Smith.   
Chapter 24  
1. What happens to Captain Smith?  
2. Captain Smith releases Sam from his servitude.  What significance does this have?  
3.  Compare the gentlemen’s opinion of Captain Smith to who he really is and what he has done for the colony.   
4. Captain Smith tells Sam that only the strongest and toughest will survive.  Do you think that Sam has what it takes?  Why or why not?  
5. When Virginia grasps Sam’s finger, he tells her, “you must hold on this tightly to life.”  Explain what you think this means and how it applies to Sam.  
Chapter 25  
1. Captain Smith passes two strings of beads to Sam.  How will this simple gift be helpful to Sam?   
2. In his last conversation with Sam, Captain Smith shakes his hand.  Explain the significance of this.  
3.  Compare Sam’s relationship with Richard now to when they first met.  
4. Master Percy has decided to build a fort at Point Comfort.  Why does this give Sam hope?  
5. What does Sam decide to do at the end of the chapter?  Do you think this a good idea?  Explain.  
Chapter 26  
1. Why does Sam decide to steal Virginia?  
2. How do John and Ann react when they find Sam and Virginia?  
3.  What happened to Werowocomoco?  
4. How do you think Sam will be punished? 
5. Do you think Sam should be punished?  Why or why not? 

Chapter 27 

1. Describe Sam’s life now.  

2. Was Sam punished for stealing Virginia from John and Ann?  

3.  What does Sam think about as he reflects on his time in the New World?  

4. What one word does Sam use to describe how he feels now?  Why is this concept so important to him? 

End of Book 
Write a lengthy paragraph response (8-10 sentences) on the end of the book, addressing these questions: What did you think of the book? What are your final thoughts? What was your favorite part? What was the theme(message) of Blood on the River? Think about Samuel's life events and growth, dig deep! :)