Dapplegray Elementary

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School resumes on April 8th....Multicultural Fair on Friday, April 12th!
Shirley Galicia » Visual Supports and more

Visual Supports and more

Visuals help us quickly find information that we can use throughout our day. You can print these or just come back when you need a reminder.
*Please remember to follow social distancing guidelines when you pick a break. It's a good idea to check in with your parents too. 
Star Clipart
The Star Chart this is a resource that you can use to help encourage positive behaviors.
Before you start:
  1. Choose one or a few behaviors that you want to encourage or change (See guide for examples).
  2. Choose the Daily or Weekly Chart. If your child needs to be reinforced more frequently, please use the Daily Chart. If your child is tolerate of delayed rewards, please use the Weekly Chart. 
  3. Choose a number of rewards such as special treats, extra playtime, family game time, extra screen time, etc. Make sure your child is motivated to earn these rewards.
  4. Choose a number of stars your child has to earn to get the reward.
    Ex: Daily Chart: Child has to earn at least 3 green stars by the end of the time block to earn reward. Child will earn 3 rewards a day.
    Ex:  Weekly Chart: Child has to earn at least 2 green stars by the end of the afternoon time block to earn a reward. Child will earn 1 reward a day. 
  5. Remember to reinforce your child for the selected behaviors by placing a star on their chart, paired with a "Keep up the good work" or "You're doing Awesome!"
    The frequency depends on the type of chart you will be using. Daily Chart: Throughout each time block (up to 10 stars for each time block). Weekly Chart: At the end of the time block (1 star for each time block).
  6. Print and post the coping strategy visual where your child can see it. Try to review the coping strategies daily. Reinforce your child for using their strategies!
The reward chart and coping strategy visual will help promote and encourage good behavior.
Token Boards and First/Then Boards are powerful tools that give visual aid when rewarding good behavior to increase your child's compliance and move to change behavior. Videos on how to use these tools can be found on the Evidenced-based Video page. There are also many free apps that can be downloaded on your phone or tablet, so you can take it with you on the go!