Tuesday 5/26-Friday 5/29


Language Arts: 30 min of iReady reading lessons, 30 minutes of IXL Language Arts: D.1, D.2, D.3, M.2 (some of these we have worked on in class) 

Writing: This week’s journal topic is all about your goals. We are going to break this up into 3 paragraphs. Today, reflect on who you are as a learner. Write a paragraph on both your strengths and skills/areas you want to improve in.  

Math: Complete in Workbook “End of Year Review” pg. 247-248 #23-26, 30 min iReady math lessons  

Social Studies: Watch Liberty Kid’s Episode 22, “Lafayette Arrives.” Then copy and paste link below to complete the form. 


States and Capitals: Study the Midwestern States. Use the Quizlet below: 


Can also go on IXL Lessons: C.4, C.5, C.6 

Map Game: https://online.seterra.com/en/vgp/3211 



Language Arts:  Start reading “The Friend Who Changed My Life” pgs. 450-455 

Writing:  The next paragraph to your journal is going to be a reflection of your academic goals. What are your academic goals for middle school? For example, balancing all six teachers/classes, allotting more time to study, recording your homework in your agenda book, etc 

Math:  Complete in Workbook “End of Year Review” pg. 249-250 #27-30 

ScienceDo Gravity Simulation activity assigned on Stemscopes 

States and Capitals: Copy and paste form below to take quiz on Midwestern States. 



Language Arts Finish reading “The Friend Who Changed my Life” pgs. 456-461  

Writing:  The last paragraph of your journal this week is about your personal goals. What are your personal goals for middle school? For example, meeting new people, opening to new friends, keeping yourself organized, etc.  

Math:  Complete in Workbook “End of Year Review” pg. 253-254 #34-40 (#34 is a bonus, see if you can figure it out and share during our zoom!), 30 min iReady math lessons. 

Social Studies: Watch Liberty Kid’s Episode 23, “The Hessians Are Coming.” Then copy and paste link below to complete the form. 


States and Capitals  Study the Southern states. Use the Quizlet below: 


IXL: C.7, C.8, C.9 

Map Game: https://online.seterra.com/en/vgp/3140 



Language Arts: Take the AR Quiz on “The Friend Who Changed My Life” (MHE Edition), 30 min iReady reading lessons  

Writing: Edit and then share journal with me!  

Math:  Work on IXL lessons: P.1, P.2, P.3 for thirty minutes. 

Science:  Play Concept Review game assigned on Stemscopes 

States and Capitals:  Study the Southern States. Use the Quizlet below: 


IXL: C.7, C.8, C.9 

Map game: https://online.seterra.com/en/vgp/3140