Dapplegray Elementary

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Have a wonderful summer break!  School begins August 21st.  
Dawn Ward » Resources for Becoming a Stronger Reader

Resources for Becoming a Stronger Reader

Florida Center for Reading Research www.fcrr.org
This website offers FREE activities that you can use at home with your child.
Click on Resources, then Student Center Activities, then choose the grade level. 
Activities are listed by the topic addressed.  If you do not know what skill your
child needs to practice, please feel free to contact me.     


Grade Level Activities For Book Bags

Hello Parents, 
I have now created grade-level specific pages to give you ideas of how to help your child do lessons at home using the books in the book bags.  Click on the your child's grade level for posted activities and listed goals.  I have tried to make it as "parent-friendly" as possible.  Bottom line, if you just have your child read to you, then ask your child questions about what they have read, and have your child write about the story, you are doing great!  
Please let me know if you have any questions along the way!  I will be near my email all day but my official office hours are from 8-9 and then again from 2-3 Monday through Friday.    
Enjoy this extra time with your child!
Mrs. Ward

Staying Sane :)

Hello Reading Club Families!
I hope you all are well!  While this is a time that can be quite stressful with our current situation, it is not often that we get to have extra time with our kiddos.  I know I will certainly be taking advantage of this time with my son! I have been researching many ideas of how to keep me and my family busy and engaged with art projects, nature scavenger hunts, and food crafts to break up the monotony (thank heavens for Pinterest!). 
Setting a schedule will also help you and your kiddo to stay sane.  Children like structure and routine.  I always seem to notice that when my Reading Club students (or even my own son) has a substitute teacher that day, they seem to be a little more "wired" just because their routine was different.  Something that I am going to do as a parent is to try to keep my son's school work schedule similar to his actual school schedule to continue his normal routine.  
I will be posting activities/questions on my Edlio page that you can do with the books I sent home.  Check my other post about Summer Reading/Writing Activities that you can easily use now.  Also, I am happy to post any ideas that I find to help you keep your sanity over the next couple of weeks!  Check back for updates!  
Please contact me if you have any questions!
Mrs. Ward 

Reading Club Assignments During School Closure

Hello Reading Club Families!
I have prepared a collection of on-level books for your child to use at home over the next two weeks.  I will be uploading activities/questions that you can use at home with your child.  If your child was not able to get the books on Friday, please have your child go onto IReady to complete lessons in lieu of doing the book activities.  IReady can be accessed through your child's online portal.  Please visit my Edlio page for updates.  If you need to contact me, my email address is [email protected].  
Mrs. Ward 
Reading Interventionist